MatheAss 10.0Handling

Syntax Rules

Notation of numbers

Fixed-point notation with decimal point : 1000.5 for "thousand point 5"
Floating point notation : 1.2e3 for 1.2·10³
The number π = 3.1415926535898  can be written as pi .

Arithmetic symbols

+   Addition   *   Multiplication   ^  Raise to power
-   Subtraction   /   Division  ( )  Brackets
The usual hierarchy rules apply.

Notation of terms

Fractions are written in one line. The numerator and denominator may be enclosed in parentheses.
graphic     is written as     f(x) = (3*x+4)/(x-1)
Use the caret sign  ^  to write exponents.
ƒ(x) = x2 − 5x + 1     is reported as     f(x) = x^2 - 5*x+1

See also:

Supported Functions